Our Story

Welcome to Chicory Hill Farm, where we are committed to helping busy parents like you feed your family healthy meat that you can trust, so that you can have peace of mind with every meal you prepare.

My name is Greg Paul (aka ‘Farmer Greg’) and our farming story starts back in the mid 2000s. My wife, Suzanne, and I were married in 2004 and built our first home on a 20 acre parcel in western Goochland County. Once we had our first daughter, something changed in me. I started questioning a lot of things and realized I couldn’t take everything at face value.

We began learning more about our food and where most of it comes from. We watched the documentary Food, Inc. (Highly Recommend!) and our eyes were opened to the grotesque conditions that most conventional farm animals are raised in. The idyllic scenes depicted on most food marketing is completely false. We learned that these terrible growing conditions often necessitate antibiotics and other medicines be administered to farm animals. We also started learning about GMO crops and the poisons used in conjunction with them. We wondered how these terrible farming practices, chemicals & medications affect the meat and how does that meat affect the people that eat it? We could no longer trust the meat being sold at the supermarket. It was at this point that I was convinced that this is not the kind of food that I wanted to feed my family!!

We decided to start raising some of our own meat animals. We got a few cows, some pigs and a handful of meat chickens and we got to work! When we started processing some of our first animals, we were floored at the difference in quality of our meat compared to the meat we had been buying at the store. The texture and flavor was far superior but more importantly, we had peace of mind knowing exactly how the animals were raised and that it was safe for our family to eat!

After years of producing meat for our own growing family (as well as some friends and extended family), we decided to grow our small regenerative farm in to a real farm business. In 2019, I gave up my career in town to farm full time with the goal of helping more parents feed their families food they can trust. The decision to farm full time also allowed us to opportunity to educate our four children at home, which we had longed to do for years. 

At Chicory Hill Farm, we are committed to regenerative, pasture based farming without confinement housing, unethical treatment of animals or GMOs that you will find in most available sources. We believe this is essential for providing a quality product that is healthy for families and healing for the environment.

Many find that our products reduce inflammation, eliminate cramping and take the guesswork out of eating and believe you will too. We are committed to producing meat you can trust and you can rest assured that we will not sell you anything that we would not feed our own children.

We hope that you will join us in our mission to cultivate healthy families through trusted sustainable farming, by supporting our farm and sharing your experience with friends and family as well. 

Thank you for choosing Chicory Hill Farm. We look forward to serving you and bringing you along in our farm journey.


Our Other Endeavor:

After working within the confines of our "health care" system for almost 20 years as an RN and then a Nurse Practitioner, my wife Suzanne learned that the system is not set up to make people healthy. All she ever wanted to do was to make people healthy but the system would rather she just prescribe more meds. She finally got so fed up with the broken system that she decided to "opt out"! She knew there had to be a better way to help people feel better naturally so she began training through the American Academy of Functional Health (AAFH).

She is excited to now have her own functional medicine practice: Thrive Health & Wellness

Her approach looks much different than what most people are accustomed to dealing with when seeing traditional medical providers. She helps her patients get OFF of prescription medications rather than throw drugs at symptoms and she recommends natural methods to help her patients achieve their health goals.